Bag and Tackle Drill

Purpose: To develop proper tackling technique while hitting a “soft target” in a controlled hitting environment. We need to emphasis the importance of keeping the head up and making a good hard tackle. We use a bag so that the player gains confidence in his hitting ability.


Equipment: 5 bags and 5 holders (players)


How: Five players will hold 5 bags with their arms extended. Their job is to hold the bag until contact is made by the tackler at the point that contact is made the holder backs up out of the way. 5 tacklers get into a good tackling stance 3 yards away from the bag they are standing in front of. On “GO” they attack the bag with a good tackle. Try for 5 reps each.


  1. Form Tackling Technique
  2. Hit (breakdown position; knees bent, tail back, arch in back, neck against helmet, eyes up)
  3. Fit (shoulder to numbers, helmet to side of the ball, eyes to sky, upper body between ball carrier and goal line)
  4. (At instant of contact, wrap arms around ball carrier’s thighs and squeeze him with your arms pressing in ward, lift his butt of the ground)
  5. Lift (forward thrust of hips and driving your shoulder pads into his chest will create lift)
  6. Drive (use legs, upper body holds tight, move ball carrier up and back).

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