Gauntlet Drill

Purpose: To teach each running back to secure the ball and protect it as they make contact.


Equipment: 1 football, 6 to 12 players for the tunnel, and 1 shield and 1 player.


How: One player with a ball starts 1 yard back from the tunnel. The tunnel is formed by 6 to 12 players split and facing inward with one player at the end of the tunnel with a shield. On “GO” the ball carrier runs through the tunnel dropping his shoulders and covering the ball with a arm over arm under carry. As he enters the tunnel each player swipes at the ball from the bottom, top, are front. They all can swipe at the ball or arms to pull the ball out. Once ball carrier reaches the end of the tunnel he must drive his shoulder into the shield and keep his legs pumping until the coach blows his whistle or stops it. Let him drive the shield for 4 to 5 yards. The shield man should provide moderate resistance. This simulates attacking the LOS and then driving a defender backwards as he gains more yardage. Each back should get two to three tries at this.

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