Stiff, Spin, and Drive Drill

Purpose: To develop good stiff arm, spin, and drive techinques.


Equipment: Six cones, one to two footballs, three shield w/players.


How: Three players with shields are five yards apart from each other and five yards from the ball carrier. The first two shields are staggered to right and left and the third is straight on line with the runner. On “GO” the runner takes off straight up field the first shield moves to attack the runners shoulder the runner must stiff arm the shield at the face mask level and keep his arm lock as he drives the shield away from and behind him as he goes by. As the runner approaches the second shield the shield attack the runners shoulder and the runner drives into the shield with his near side shoulder and then spins using his near side foot and spinning in the opposite direction of the shield. He must stay low as he does this to maintain his balance and speed. As he goes by he the second shield he gets low and attacks the last shield by driving his shoulder into the shield and driving him back for 4 to 5 yards. Each player holding a shield must keep it just above their face mask. The runner must keep a wide base with his feet and keep low at the hips and knees when making contact.

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