Bag and Pull Drill

Purpose – To develop a good trap technique by improving stance, footwork and take off while working on delivering a aggressive block into a blocking dummy.


Equipment – 5 blocking dummies, 5 cones, and 5 bag holders (players)


How – A proper pull block like all blocks starts with the proper footwork and technique. He starts in a three-point DW stance and on “GO” he takes a drop step and does his best to keep his shoulders squares to the LOS until he pulls around the cone which is 2 yards away and come around and meet the bag. He must attack the bag and wishbone block it. wishbone block. A good block is indicated by the bag popping up and back at the same time. Let the blockers drive the bag 3 yards back. The holder should provide moderate resistance and be pointed at the point where the blocker will meet the bag. Try for 3 reps to each side.


Drop Step – a short slightly backward step with toes at 45 degrees.


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