The Little Things

There is no position in football that requires more discipline or technique then being an offensive lineman. The success of any football team, hinges on it's ability to control the line of scrimmage. To win consistently, you must win in the trenches and that means playing on your opponent's side of the line of scrimmage not yours. Information contained in this section is my personal believes and the basic mechanics I use when talking technique and developing the terminology I will use with my drill work. The information contained in this section will be the fundamental wording when teaching your technique and developing your drills.


It is my approach, like many other line coaches that we out - execute our opponents. This is alot easier said than done! To take this approach and to believe in this philosophy means a great deal of time must be spent on fundamentals and blocking technique. My primary goal as I prepare our blocking schemes is that they be simple and that they have a basic rule that can tie them all into one another. Thus, I try to keep the rules and line calls simple, it will give your offensive line the chance to perfect there techniques and perform them in an aggressive manner.


To be a good offensive line requires more than just discipline or good blocking technique. It requires "PRIDE" -- pride in yourself; your group; and your team. A team with "PRIDE" is a hard team to beat. It's my believe, the faster your offensive line understands that working for common goals as a group not as individuals builds your foundation for UNITY and PRIDE.


A group that's unified is more apt to do the "LITTLE THINGS" that most teams are not willing to do. No detail should ever be overlooked, regardless of how non-important it may look on the surface. The difference between WINNING and LOSING often lies in the failure to do the little things! Not every offensive lineman that plays for you will make it to the NFL or COLLEGE or be an ALL-AMERICAN or even a STARTER, but every offensive lineman that decides to play for you can hustle and hit and be a good TEAM PLAYER.

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